Friday, March 30, 2012

Exploring Photo Composition Rules

I plan to explore some photographic compositional rules. I will find an example of a rule at and try to copy the images on campus with the class digital camera.  I will publish the example images and my imitations on my account.  I will also write a short explanation about each image at  Through my work I will learn more about:
  • F-stop
  • Shutter speed
  • Exposure
  • Compositional Rules
    • The Rule of Thirds
    • Balance
    • Framing
    • Use lines
    • Avoid Mergers
    • Simplicity
But mostly, I am going to enter the Washington State Photo contest entering the most that is possible, with six (6) photos and the CHS photo contest with (2) photos MAX. So, I will be working on choosing photos for the contest that I have taken within this school year.

  • Research the rules
  • Find and save Creative Commons examples of each rule on
  • Take pictures
  • Download pictures
  • Upload my pictures to
  • Upload examples I found
  • Write explanations

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Flash Project

Flash Tutorial: Motion Tweening & Frame Animation  <--- this is the tutorial I followed to create my masterpiece! 
  • Tween: Short for "inbetween." Shows that the first image combines into the second image. 
  • Key Frame: Defines the start and end points on a strip of film. 
  • SWF: Is an Adobe Flash file format used for multimedia.
  • FLA: Is a multimedia platform used to add animation and video.
  • Stage: Is the main working area in Adobe Flash where you create and manipulate your artwork.
  • Timeline: Organizes your content into layers & frames. 
  • Layers: Layers containing different parts of a picture that you are layering. 
  • Object Drawing: Lets you place objects in front or in back of each other.
  • Merge Drawing: Is when shapes overlap, merge or cut into each other.
  • Symbol: Object (ex: video).
  • Instance: Copy of an object.
What I did: I created a motion tween in Adobe Flash, for the first time! First, I choose a picture of myself. Deleted the background. Then, cut out my mouth. Added a black oval shape in place of it. Choose the start and ending points for the movement of my mouth. Added voice and there it was!
Stage (work area)
What I learned: How to use Adobe Flash and all the other tools, which I already had basic knowledge in from Adobe Photoshop. -- It was a long process, but I made it! :D

Timeline and 3 Layers

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Snow. wait, WHAT!?

Yes, I just woke up on a normal March morning thinking we just have regular rainy day, as I was figuring out what to wear.

But, there was SNOW when I looked out my window!
-- At least a half-inch already sticking!

I was just so surprised because I didn't even overhear someone saying there would be snow. Especially when we have our First tennis match of the season against Black Hills HS.

Guess that's getting post-poned..

Pictures to come!

My Web Design

HTML code

Final Design
CSS Style Code

What I did: 
I made my own website! The main "codes"
you end up using is; <html> 
It's easy once you get familiar with those^

What I learned:
How To code! It's really very simple, we used 
Adobe DreamWeaver which was extreme-
ly helpful. If you're typing out a code it auto-
matically gives you options same with colors.
If you type "color: _______;"  after the semi 
colon it will have a color pallet. 

I used Color Scheme Designer website (like you see below)
for my website of color. My favorite color is Purple, as you
can see..


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spanish Video

Something my partners & I put together. We had to use a certain amount of household chores vocab and verbs and make a video showcasing someone doing the commands. See..The main point of this video was to show our "knowledge" in our use of commands (spanish language). Comments would be great! Thanks.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Yes, it's that time of year again...

They are making cuts this year, for the very first time -- because since our rainy Washington weather there's limited amount of court use.

I played last year for the first time and the only experience I've had with it is...Playing Badmitton with my dad in the backyard, when I was in grade school (every now and then during the summer). Y'know the basics...Forehand, overhead and i've got a pretty strong backhand!

So that's all good. . . So a week went by and everyone got a piece of paper saying whether we made it or not. This is what my note said . . . .