Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Presentation

  1. Just showing text and hearing voice, not seeing the person*
- Timed slide and voice ? 
- colored text
- no bullet points

     2.  Dick Hardt 

- he's talking & he shows the visual things he talks about
- doesn't have image and text on the same slide (text on one slide, image the following one) 
ex: "I like to read this" (shows magazines/books) and keeps it up for a second at the most, then skips to the next thing. - We don't need it up for more than 2 seconds because it's just one image/short phrase that we can "absorb" in a short amount of time.

 < Mindmap

< Storyboard

PowerPoint Master Slide


My Outline

My Presentation

First, for this presentation I started off watching video clips and took notes on the different ways of how to do a powerpoint presentation. Made an outline of the slides for my powerpoint using the skills I learned.

I LEARNED that you shouldn't have words and text on the same slide because it can get crazy and overwhleming.. For my presentation I planned to have just pictures and say the text.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Best Shot

the image I took
original image

What I first had problems with was getting the lens to focus, I had the settings on Manual (as directed by my teacher), then couldn't get the picture to completely focus on what I wanted it to. Eventually, I got it though.

The object that I was photographing was fine. I had to move it a few times to get the shot I wanted and played around with the F-stop.

F-Stop: f/2.8
Exposure: 0.05 sec (1/20)
Focal length: 7.4 mm

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Photoshop Projects

Original Scanned Magazine Ad                              

Fake Ad image              

1. I used the 'add layer' tool to copy and paste different parts to other layers.
2. I used the 'eraser' tool at 3 diameter to shape how I wanted the hand to grasp the bottle.
3. I used the 'background eraser' tool to make the fingers have the same background as my scanned image.
4. I used 'copy' to bring to my photoshop background image.
5. I used 'paste' to put on top of my original image.
6. I used the 'opacity' tool to softly make the water bottle and hands to show the waterfall behind it.
7. I used 'transform' to ...
8. (cont.) 'scale' my waterfall picture to enlarge it.
9. I used the 'move tool' to move around my pictures.
10. I used the 'rectangular marquee tool' to copy out different parts of the water bottle to another layer.

Other Photoshop Works
1. E is for Elmo

I learned what masking is and got to experiment with it. This is what i got.
As for the tools i used:
- smudge to give it that effect
- paint bucket tool to fill in large areas

2. Celeb face mash
I "mashed faces" with Chritina Perri. I used the eraser & background eraser tool. But first i had to copy her original image from online into Adobe Photoshop, using copy and paste. Then, selected her image and moved it into the same tab as my picture. By doing all these different tools i learned more of how to use them along with remembering what tool does what.

Online Tutorial Resource
- Photoshop CS4 tutorial: Create a colorful Aurora effect

I created an aurora on photoshop learning through watching this YouTube video. 
I have just started out with using Photoshop, really and this was my first time using all of these instruments. 
I used a lot of creating new layers (at least 5!), blurring, highlighting, darkening and brush strokes.
Most of what I did was, play and listened to the step the guy had said, then pause, then switch back to Photoshop and do.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Business Card

Basically, I made my logo by using mainly three tools from Adobe Illustrator - Selection tool to select shapes and re-size them to my liking, Type tool to include information about me on the card & the zoom tool to get a closer view to fix detailed movements.

Making my business card...First, I typed in the dimensions - 3.5in by 2in. Then, just started trying different alignments with the text and placing my logo. I kept in mind 'C.R.A.P.'

Contrast - White background with one color text - black. Also, my logo which "POPS."
Repetition - My logo is symmetrical with the flower petals.
Alignment - My logo and text have the same amount of space from top to bottom & the sides.
Proximity - I'd say overall it's well put together. My text and logo are lined up, got readable text font, in a size that most anyone can see.

Lastly, I wound up with this final product (see above) - which I took a screenshot (command+shift+4) and put it into my blog! :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Recipe For Success

    1. Write person’s name
    Steve Jobs
    2. List the person’s birth place and date:
    San Francisco, CA. February 24, 1955.
    3. State how do you define success:
    I define success as someone who never gives up. Does beyond what was asked. Good, strong motivation on his/her career. For example, be a founder/inventor of your own business.
    4. State why are they successful, with your definition:
    “Steve Jobs has left his mark on no less than five industries: personal computers with Apple II and Macintosh, music with iPod and iTunes, phone with iPhone, and animation with Pixar.”–
    5. Describe What skills did they have to master to become successful?
    1) Smart 2) Business man 3) Self-taught. Steve grew up in Silicon Valley, California around the “most happenin’” place of growing computer technology, at the time. Steve was more of all the ideas and thoughts behind the process, while Stephen constructed the computers.
    6. Describe how did they use these skills help the person achieve success?
    He and Stephen Wozniak their abilities as programmers to build some of the first programs for hobbyist computers. Apple’s first year in business consisted of assembling the boards in Steve’s garage and driving to local computer stores to try and sell them. Apple II crushed all competition both because of its breakthrough color graphics and its very large supply of compatible software. The key to Apple II’s success was actually VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet program ever brought to market.
    7. Explain what challenges did they have to overcome to be successful?
    There were hard times for Apple in the beginning.  He continued through to see his company grow. He also had a vision of what his company could become, he has changed millions of lives by making technology...And you know what the best part is? He’s not done yet.

    8. Sources

    Monday, September 19, 2011

    Goals for Fall Semester 2011

    • I will further my skills in photography & video.
    • Did i learn new skills and have i applied it?
    • Yes. I know the basic skills in order to make a video & basic photography skills.   
    Results Oriented
    • Learn more video "tricks" and photography.
    Time Focused
    • By the end of the semester.