Friday, September 28, 2012

Hello All!

Getting my senior year in high school off to a good start. Except the fact that I am stressin' out!! I don't know what I will be doing for my CP (senior year project needing to graduate), didn't pass the state test by 6 points (needed to graduate).... oh! And I have the same math teacher as I did last year and I ended up not liking her for her teaching style and she just gave me bad grades and ended up barely passing with a D... oh, that will definitely look good on college applications. NOT.

Once I got my schedule for this 2012-13 school year, I was so excited I got some classes that should just be a breeze, except for having the same math teacher, I did try to get it changed, but the only way for that to happen was to switch my 'Senior Writing' class to a 'Creative Writing' class which wasn't what I wanted at all. 

P.S. Did I mention I have math first period

.....I decided to just stick out this year with the schedule I got originally. 

I'm trying above all to make this year a good one and to try lots of new things. :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How to upload a file to Adobe Photoshop tutorial

How to upload a file to Adobe Photoshop

  1. Open Adobe Photoshop.
  2. Go to 'file' and click 'open'
  3. Saying your file you want to edit on is on your desktop...On the left side should you select the 'desktop' tab.
  4. Just look for the title of your file and click on it.
  5. There! Now you can edit your picture.


For my leadership points in my VisCom class, I contacted The Olympian photographer, Tony Overman to come into our class and talk about what he does for a living. It took a lot of back-and-forth to get through to him because of some accident that happened to him (people graffiti-ed his camera materials in revolt of some of his photographs they didn't like).

His photography is everything from people  to school events all around the Olympia, Tumwater, Lacey and Yelm district. Tony Overman's blog <--- check out his photos!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Project 4: Taking Photos

  • Description 
    1. Do: Take photos.
    2. Learn: More about photography, in general.
    3. End product: Best shots (photos)
  • Timeline 
    1. First  I am gonna, take pictures,
    2. Using the photo studio. Learning more about light.
    3. And then I am gonna, have a link showing some of my best shots. 
  • Resources

What I did: I took photos while the sun was out and the atmosphere outside was nice.

What I learned: More compositional rules. -- I experimented with the ISO because I was intrigued in motion photographs (ex: cars on a freeway). But I used flowers, when I go to Seattle I'll try it on cars and more objects! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Project 3: Entering another photo contest

1. Do: Find photos from my Hawaii trips and enter in contest for Hawaii Magazine
2. Learn: While photography just for the sake of photography is a lot of fun sometimes a competition can help you raise the bar as a photographer as you know your image will be seen by a group of judges.

1. First I am going to look through my '09-'11 trips to Hawaii
2. Then I am going to narrow it down to at least 2 photos in the Outdoors category.
3. And then I am going to print them and send them in!

Don't need any resources, thinking about it, as of now...

In the meantime....I'll be using class time to research how to take photograph people.

What I did
I ended up looking at my photos from my trips, but don't really think many are very good. -- I still have time if I change my mind. I've been researching how to photography people and the poses for senior portraits. I looked more on certain photographers and noticed how they recommend the same poses for each client.

What I learned
Professional photographers use the same poses for each client.
More about lighting with a studio setup and in the sunlight.

Project 2: Finish up Project 1

  • Description 
    1. Do: finish up WA contest
    2. Learn: While photography just for the sake of photography is a lot of fun sometimes a competition can help you raise the bar as a photographer as you know your image will be seen by a group of judges. 
    3. End product: Contest 2012 results
  • Communications Standard 
  • Timeline 
    1. First  I am going to print out rest of my photos.
    2. Then I am going to mat them on a reasonable size board.
    3. And then I am going to put the finalizing touches! 
  • Resources 
    1. Website
    2. Website
What I did: Halfway through the week I was wrapping up on the WA State Photo Contest and then I realized, "wow. I finished what do I do now. It made me feel good that I entered in a photo contest and would like to do more of that. -- because I have been really wanting to get my work "out."

I found this contest, Alaska & Horizon Airlines Photo Contest 2012.
First I Googled 'WA state photo contests 2012' then came upon this link. I mean who doesn't read in-flight magazines!? 
...But it's too late. -- Next Year! 

Since I'm hooked on airline magazine contests... 
Hawaii Magazine
And it's still open for entries! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Project 1: Entering WA photo contest

What I did: Choose photos to enter in the contest. Here you can see what I ended up choosing. . . Photo Contest entries

What I learned: Well, more so of what I am aware of now that I understand these concepts like, compositional rules -- angle, exposure (f-stop), contrast (with colors). 

Monday, April 2, 2012


Yay! So, it's finally Spring Break.

I'm leaving for Los Angeles tonight! -- Flying into LAX arriving early Tuesday morning. Starting the day off with a quick surf seesh (session) in Malibu. -- brr!

I'm excited to be in the warm sun as to Oly is to be rain all week! Y'know I hear the sun changes your attitude "more happy" compared to the rain where it just makes us Washingtonians more depressed..So, definitely ready for some SUN and WARMTH on my arms... possibly a tan? yes!

I just started reading the first book in Lauren Conrad's series L.A. Candy. It's pretty good so far, it's based in the LA area -- I can relate.

Also, just bought The Hunger Games started to read some of that and it's actually "up my alley!" Can't wait to finish so I can watch the movie.

--Tata, for now!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Exploring Photo Composition Rules

I plan to explore some photographic compositional rules. I will find an example of a rule at and try to copy the images on campus with the class digital camera.  I will publish the example images and my imitations on my account.  I will also write a short explanation about each image at  Through my work I will learn more about:
  • F-stop
  • Shutter speed
  • Exposure
  • Compositional Rules
    • The Rule of Thirds
    • Balance
    • Framing
    • Use lines
    • Avoid Mergers
    • Simplicity
But mostly, I am going to enter the Washington State Photo contest entering the most that is possible, with six (6) photos and the CHS photo contest with (2) photos MAX. So, I will be working on choosing photos for the contest that I have taken within this school year.

  • Research the rules
  • Find and save Creative Commons examples of each rule on
  • Take pictures
  • Download pictures
  • Upload my pictures to
  • Upload examples I found
  • Write explanations

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Flash Project

Flash Tutorial: Motion Tweening & Frame Animation  <--- this is the tutorial I followed to create my masterpiece! 
  • Tween: Short for "inbetween." Shows that the first image combines into the second image. 
  • Key Frame: Defines the start and end points on a strip of film. 
  • SWF: Is an Adobe Flash file format used for multimedia.
  • FLA: Is a multimedia platform used to add animation and video.
  • Stage: Is the main working area in Adobe Flash where you create and manipulate your artwork.
  • Timeline: Organizes your content into layers & frames. 
  • Layers: Layers containing different parts of a picture that you are layering. 
  • Object Drawing: Lets you place objects in front or in back of each other.
  • Merge Drawing: Is when shapes overlap, merge or cut into each other.
  • Symbol: Object (ex: video).
  • Instance: Copy of an object.
What I did: I created a motion tween in Adobe Flash, for the first time! First, I choose a picture of myself. Deleted the background. Then, cut out my mouth. Added a black oval shape in place of it. Choose the start and ending points for the movement of my mouth. Added voice and there it was!
Stage (work area)
What I learned: How to use Adobe Flash and all the other tools, which I already had basic knowledge in from Adobe Photoshop. -- It was a long process, but I made it! :D

Timeline and 3 Layers

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Snow. wait, WHAT!?

Yes, I just woke up on a normal March morning thinking we just have regular rainy day, as I was figuring out what to wear.

But, there was SNOW when I looked out my window!
-- At least a half-inch already sticking!

I was just so surprised because I didn't even overhear someone saying there would be snow. Especially when we have our First tennis match of the season against Black Hills HS.

Guess that's getting post-poned..

Pictures to come!

My Web Design

HTML code

Final Design
CSS Style Code

What I did: 
I made my own website! The main "codes"
you end up using is; <html> 
It's easy once you get familiar with those^

What I learned:
How To code! It's really very simple, we used 
Adobe DreamWeaver which was extreme-
ly helpful. If you're typing out a code it auto-
matically gives you options same with colors.
If you type "color: _______;"  after the semi 
colon it will have a color pallet. 

I used Color Scheme Designer website (like you see below)
for my website of color. My favorite color is Purple, as you
can see..


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spanish Video

Something my partners & I put together. We had to use a certain amount of household chores vocab and verbs and make a video showcasing someone doing the commands. See..The main point of this video was to show our "knowledge" in our use of commands (spanish language). Comments would be great! Thanks.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Yes, it's that time of year again...

They are making cuts this year, for the very first time -- because since our rainy Washington weather there's limited amount of court use.

I played last year for the first time and the only experience I've had with it is...Playing Badmitton with my dad in the backyard, when I was in grade school (every now and then during the summer). Y'know the basics...Forehand, overhead and i've got a pretty strong backhand!

So that's all good. . . So a week went by and everyone got a piece of paper saying whether we made it or not. This is what my note said . . . .

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Favorite Zen Garden Example


Well, for the website I noticed its title was 'Zen Garden' so I wanted to get like a plant nursery like landscape or plants as the background. With a "asian" like style, because well, "zen" is an asian word meaning calm-like. 

And I found this one that seemed decent enough and even better! Instead of your usual scrolling up and down it goes from right to left! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My GarageBand Project

           - It's like a original sample of music.
           - It's a disc that contains data (songs, movie clips, etc..)
           - Stores and sends data through electronic musical instruments.
           - Arrangement for voices, performed by singing.
           - Movement to the beat of music.
           - Sound that can tell the difference between sounds.
           - The loudness or softness of sound - song, voice, noise, etc..
           - Put in order. 
           - Blend/Combining your song.
           - In tune/harmony.
           - Speed.
           - To operate on it's own automatically (on its own).
           - Adding another instrument.
           - Documenting.
           - Analyze & Rewrite
           - Code

My Audio Composition

What I did: I went into Garageband and played around with the sounds and also recorded some stuff of my own.

What I learned: Well, I have used this a little in the past and so it was just a chance to brush up on some skills in Garageband.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Top 3 favorite Indv. Project

I liked KJ's final project because while I was looking through it I noticed his work is pretty amazing! It has a nice detailed look and professional. -- Outlining it in black makes it "pop out!"

Sydney's final project was also really nice. I get where she was coming from, just wanting to learn new techniques on her own then trying it out, and having the end results come out Great! I like how she caught the duck in motion.

This is Nate's I was really impressed with how he used Photoshop to lower the cars. To me just looking at the before and after, that there was a lot to have been done.

Top 3 favorite blogs

Taylor's blog stood out to me because it's not like any other blog...It has COLOR not all plain and dull.

I like Jesse's blog! It's cool in a kind of creepy way, but still cool. As the background it's a blue face with green-ish eyes. It's all over the page -- so it's "always watching you.."

I really like Adarrah's blog she described everything she did in detail and the page looked really organized, as well.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Final Project

What are you going to do?

  • To finish up this semester I will focus on photography.

What are you hoping to learn?

What will you create?

  • I will redo/make better 6 photos that I can enter at the Washington State Photo Contest.

What is the final product?

  • I will have 6 photos printed and framed for the contest.
What I actually did
  • I added more photos to my Flickr account because I haven't added new work in months! (I could use some feedback! Also, please tell your friends!) I've also been taking pictures trying to decide what 6 pictures I should enter in the contest -- very hard decision.
What I actually learned
  • I have added at least 30 new pictures here -- tell me what you think! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Video

Plot Line

I learned that it is important piece of making a video is the outlines. 
Like Pixar they all sketch out all their movies exactly how it will happen in the movie. - To help them become more organized. 

Although, I didn't actually get to get hands on with a video camera, I'd someday like to
try panning and the zolly effect etc...